5 Tips for Creating a Bird-Friendly Garden

Creating a garden that welcomes birds can influence how much you enjoy your outdoor environment. Providing birds with a place to visit and nest will give you an opportunity to connect with nature in your own yard. Whether you have a large yard or just a small patio, here are five tips for creating a bird-friendly garden.

Select Native Plants

Many native plants enable birds to act as pollinators, eating seeds and distributing pollen as they fly around the local environment. Seed heads on native plants can give birds sustenance throughout the year, even when winter sets in.

You should also include understory trees and shrubs in your garden that provide shelter from the elements and nesting opportunities for birds. And if you can do so safely, leave dead trees in your yard. These give insects hollow places to stay, which birds can later consume.

Provide Water Sources

Birds need access to fresh water to survive, so providing a birdbath or fountain is essential for creating a bird-friendly garden. Make sure to keep your birdbath clean and refill it regularly to prevent the spread of avian diseases among your local bird population. If you live in an area with snow or ice, you may want to consider investing in a heated birdbath.


Add Bird Feeders and Houses

Bird feeders are great for attracting birds and providing them with a reliable food source. You should choose the type of bird feeder and the food to fill it with based on the types of birds that live in your region. Similarly, having birdhouses in your garden is another way to provide shelter.

Birdhouses and birdbaths look fabulous with decorative garden art poles. Studio M offers birdhouses, bird bath art poles, and birdhouse art poles to make your garden more bird-friendly.


Avoid Bird Strikes

Birds can be at risk of running into windows if they can see their reflection. To prevent this, place decals or screens on the window to break up reflections and make the window glass more visible to birds.

Use Sustainable Gardening Practices

Being mindful of your gardening practices can ensure that the environment is safe for birds and other animals. This includes avoiding the use of pesticides, using mulch to conserve moisture, and planting in ways that minimize soil erosion.

By following these simple tips for creating a bird-friendly garden, you can design an outdoor space that both you and the birds will enjoy. It will provide a safe habitat for birds to visit and give you an opportunity to connect with nature without leaving your home.